Alpha Modus
Patent Portfolio
Granted Patents
Patent Number | Country | App. Number | Filing Date | Pub. Number | Pub. Date | Issue Date | |
Method for Monitoring and Analyzing Behavior and Uses Thereof |
10360571 | U.S. | 14/335429 | 7/18/2014 | 2015-0025936 | 01/22/2015 | 07/23/2019 |
Method for Monitoring and Analyzing Behavior and Uses Thereof |
10853825 | U.S. | 16/509343 | 7/11/2019 | 2019-0333081 | 10/31/2019 | 12/01/2020 |
Method and System for Generating a Layout for Placement of Products in a Retail Store |
11049120 | U.S. | 16/837577 | 4/1/2020 | 2020-0226621 | 7/16/2020 | 7/29/2021 |
Method and System for Inventory Management in a Retail Store |
11301880 | U.S. | 16/837645 | 4/1/2020 | 2020-0226622 | 7/16/2020 | 4/12/2022 |
Method and System for Customer Assistance in a Retail Store |
11042890 | U.S. | 16/837711 | 4/1/2020 | 2020-0226623 | 7/16/2020 | 6/22/2021 |
(Track 1) Method and System for Real-Time Inventory Management, Marketing, and Advertising in a Retail Store |
10977672 | U.S. | 16/985001 | 8/4/2020 | 2020-0364730 | 11/19/2020 | 4/13/2021 |
Method for Enhancing Customer Shopping Experience in a Retail Store |
12039550 | U.S. | 17/590605 | 2/1/2022 | 2022-0156764 | 5/19/2022 | 6/26/2024 |
Method for Personalized Marketing and Advertising of Retail Products |
12026731 | U.S. | 18/100377 | 1/23/2023 | 2023-0162211 | 5/25/2023 | 6/12/2024 |
Pending Patents
Country | App. Number | Filing Date | Pub. Number | Pub. Date | |
Method for Personalized Marketing and Advertising |
U.S. | 18/519550 | 11/27/2023 | ||
Methods and Systems for Shopping in a Retail Store |
U.S. | 18/651410 | 4/30/2024 | ||
Methods and Systems for Providing Customer Assistance in a Retail Store |
U.S. | 18/905975 | 10/3/2023 | ||